Annapolis Location
114 West St
Annapolis MD 21401
Game On Bar+arcade does not accept responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal property. Disorderly conduct, disrespect of our games or tap wall, or offensive or aggressive behavior toward Game On Bar+arcade staff or guests are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Any guest displaying disorderly conduct will be removed from Game On Bar+Arcade and will not be permitted to re-enter for the remainder of the evening. Depending on the severity of the conduct, it may result in a permanent ban from Game On Bar+arcade at the discretion of Game On management.
Yes! Customers can take their drinks outside to enjoy them. We have an awesome patio area with outdoor games including giant Jenga, cornhole, Connect Four, and foosball. Our view is breathtaking and goes great with any of our cocktails! Perfect for a cool night with a few chilled drinks or a lazy afternoon on a sweltering day! Come check it out for yourself!
We can be contacted by phone, email, or you can leave us a message through our website! You can call us at 410-885-4589, email at, or leave us a message by clicking on the “Contact Us” tab on our website.
Game On Bar+arcade has an Annapolis venue, located at 114 West Street, Annapolis, MD. Our Fed Hill location is at 902 S Charles St, Baltimore, MD.
Stop by for some fun!
Of course! Dogs are welcome to the large outside area.
Yes, absolutely!
Yes, most of our games take quarters and some take $1 bills.
Most of our games are 50¢ to $1.
Yes, we have an ATM and coin machine onsite.
Yes, minors are allowed if accompanied by an adult until 8 PM. 1 Adult per minor (*with some exceptions).
114 West Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
1118 S Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21230
6000 Merriweather Dr
Columbia, MD 21044
Annapolis Phone:
Baltimore Phone:
Columbia Phone:
Business Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday-Friday: 5pm-12am
Saturday-Sunday: 12pm-12am
Monday: closed
Tuesday-Wednesday: 4pm-12am
Thursday-Friday: 4pm-2am
Saturday: 11am-2am
Sunday: 11am-12am
Monday-Thursday: 4pm-12am
Friday: 4pm-2am
Saturday: 12pm-2am
Sunday: 12pm-12am